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FAQ Tanning Beds
STEP 1. Never tan dry! Dry Skin requires 7 minutes to build melanin for a tanning bed to be effective. Dry tanning wastes 7 minutes of tanning time! Always use an indoor tanning lotion for the quickest and darkest tan.
STEP 2. No outdoor lotion! Outdoor lotion is designed to protect the body from UV rays, while indoor lotion is designed to promote the body’s ability to receive UV rays. Outdoor lotions also contain mineral oils that damage the acrylic and block the tanning power of the lamps. Outdoor lotions are forbidden in any certified tanning salon.
STEP 3: If you reach a tanning plateau there are a few simple solutions – lotion rotation and alternating tanning equipment. Your body can build up a tolerance. Once you switch lotions and/or alternate between different types of tanning equipment, you will burst through your tanning plateau.
STEP 4: Once you have taken the time to achieve your tan, protect and extend the life of it with one of our tan extenders. Your skin is like a sponge. Moisture is the key for longevity of your tan as well as bathing your skin in the vitamins it needs to keep it healthy. Look for a brand with anti-aging elements to keep your skin looking fresh and young.
STEP 5. Do not bathe with soap! Harsh soaps will cause your tan to wash off before its time.
STEP 6. Tan once or twice a week and use a variety of equipment to keep your tan looking natural and dark.
Discover the difference of a great tan by Total Tan today.
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Unwanted Tan Lines
Under arms:
If you find you are getting white areas under your arms, try putting your arms over your head for half of your session. Using a stand-up unit with its overhead handles every third session will help as well.
Lines under buttocks:
This can be caused by the weight of your body folding your skin under while you lie down. Try lifting your legs one at a time, in the classic sunbathing position, for half of the session each. Use of the stand-up every third tan also eliminates this problem.
Pressure points:
Pressure points can develop under your shoulder blades or on your tailbone as a result of the lack of bloodflow to these areas when you are lying down. To tan over these spots, try using the standup every third visit, or shifting your weight side to side a few times while using the lie-down.
Under chin:
This can be caused by tilting your head downward during the session. If you are in a bed, use the thick part of the pillow under your neck so you head is leaning slightly backward, exposing more of your neck. If you are in the stand-up, try to point your head directly forward or slightly toward the ceiling.
Around eyes:
Do not consider tanning without eyewear. If you find you are developing lines from the eyewear, try using Winkies. Winkies can be adjusted to fit your eye exactly, and will stick slightly to your skin so you can use them easily in a stand-up unit. We also offer an assortment of goggles for use in the beds which may alleviate the problem. Check your under eye lotion that you're using. Most of them have an SFP in it. Wash it off before tanning if you want that area to get tan.
Protect Your Eyes!
Your eyelids are not thick enough to protect your eyes from UV damage! Simply keeping your eyes closed while tanning will NOT prevent serious damage. The very thin skin and underlying membrane of the eyelid do not keep UV rays from penetrating the eye, potentially burning the cornea and doing more severe damage to the lens and retina. In addition to night vision loss, excessive unprotected exposure to UV light – indoors or outdoors – will also damage color vision and can even result in cancer on the eyelids.
Covering your face with a towel or T-shirt will not block enough of the UV rays to prevent damage, either. We make it easy to protect your eyes! Several styles of FDA compliant eye protection are available at Total Tan, and you are required to wear it during every tanning session. Don’t worry about getting “raccoon eyes” – this can be easily avoided by slightly re positioning your eye protection once or twice during your session.