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The active ingredient in virtually all sunless tanning formulas is DHA (dihydroxyacetone), a carbohydrate (monosaccharide sugar) compound approved by the FDA for use in externally applied sunless tanning solutions. DHA is usually derived from a vegetable source like beets or sugar cane. When DHA is applied to the skin, it causes a harmless chemical reaction with the existing amino acids in the skin to produce a tan, much like the sun does, but without UVA and UVB damage. It is combined with anti-aging, skin firming ingredients. The chemists taht make our colution have refined the technology to produce the most outstanding formulation that results in silky smooth, glowing skin with a refreshing after scent. The tanning solution is manually airbrushed in a fine mist all over the body or desired areas. The process will take about 5-20 minutes including drying time depending on which process you want.



DHA sunless tanning has been recommended by The Skin Cancer Organization, American Academy of Dermatology, The American Cancer Society, The American Medical Society, and has been approved for cosmetic use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It has been used for over 30 years without any harmful effect.


How long does a Sunless tan from Total Tan last?

A Total Tan lasts about a week, depending on the condition of the individual’s skin. The most common way to extend your tan is by applying moisturizer daily, even twice daily. It can be maintained indefinitely by scheduling follow up applications, as well as using a Total Tan Gradual Tanner, a tan extending lotion with the color built right in!


What do I wear?
It’s a matter of your comfort level and what type of tan lines you would like. We do supply disposable thongs and boxers (NO EXTRA CHARGE) for our airbrush tanning clients. You are welcome to wear your own undergarments or swimsuit.


Can a sunless tan be removed?

Sunless tans do not rub off easily. The tan simply fades over time, as you lose your dead skin cells. If you wish to remove the tan, it is best to use an exfoliating mitt to loosen skin cells that contain the tanned color. We love the Tan off Exfoliating Body Mitt as both a tan remover, and a preparation tool for the next airbrush session. You may also find that soaking in a Jacuzzi or swimming pool will help to remove or fade the color faster.


What can I do to extend the life of my tan?
Just like colored hair, a tan deserves special treatment. You wouldn’t want to use shampoos that strip the color out of your hair prematurely, and the same goes for the body wash you use with a tan. VersaSpa® has developed a line of products dedicated to preserving the life of your tan, including a pre-tan exfoliant, pre-tan intensifier, daily cleanser, and post-tan moisturizer as well as a spray bronzer for touch ups. See speciality sunless products


What if a person normally can’t get very tan?

Not a problem. Even if you have the fairest of fair skin, you too will be tanned like never before. The active ingredient in our solution is called Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) and will tan any skin tone to a natural golden brown.


Will a sunless tan cover up or harm tattoos?

Our tans will not cover up or harm tattoos. In fact, tattoos seem a little brighter and more colorful with a moisturizing sunless tan at Total Tan.


Can I swim, shower, and workout with my sunless tan?
Of course! But be sure to wait at least 6-8 hours to allow the formula to react with your skin’s amino acids and proteins. In fact, the longer you allow the solution to remain on your skin, the longer lasting your tan will be. Swimming in highly chlorinated water frequently will reduce the length of your results.


How can I minimize natural exfoliation from hot tubs, swimming pools and the ocean after I get a sunless tan?

After your tan has fully developed and you have rinsed off the cosmetic bronzer, it is completely safe to go into the water. It is best to use a strong waterproof sunscreen like Bullfrog, Iguana, or Blue lizard. These types of sunscreens repel the water off of your skin, and will help keep your color richer, longer. It is also recommended to rinse off after being in water that may contain a high content of chlorine or salt. These can be very harsh on your skin, causing the tan to wear away faster. After you have rinsed, air dry and apply more sunscreen or moisturizer as needed.


Will a sunless tan stain my pajamas or sheets?

The sunless blend is a water soluble product, and washes out of most fabrics. However, the tanning solution could stain Silk, Nylon, Wool and Polyester. Since there is a bronzer in the spray, it is best not to wear your expensive clothing until after you tan has developed, and the bronzer has been completely rinsed off. If you are sleeping with the bronzer on your skin and allowing your tan to develop while you sleep, it is best to wear loose pajamas, and lay a towel over your pillow to prevent any bronzer transfer due to perspiration while you sleep. Try to avoid any skin on skin contact while you sleep – even with others! After you have rinsed the bronzer away, there will not be any rub-off or transfer of the tan.


Why do I need an exfoliator?

Exfoliating your skin before your tanning session is very important, and ensures that the tanning solution is absorbing into your new and fresh skin cells, resulting in a smoother, softer, longer-wearing tan. If you choose not to exfoliate before your tan, you may experience a drier-looking appearance, and flaking or patching may occur much sooner than normal, resulting in the need to exfoliate your tan off completely. It’s always best to have an even, consistent palette when creating a masterpiece!


What is the best exfoliator?

We love to use the Tan off Exfoliating Body Mitt for exfoliating prior to tanning, and also to remove a lingering tan. The Exfoliating Body Mitt is made from 100% floss silk. The fibers swell and form a gentle, non-irritating friction, allowing your skin to achieve maximum exfoliation without the use of any oils or creams, which can leave a barrier on the skin, preventing the tan from fully absorbing and developing. Many exfoliators on the market today contain oils and sharp materials (like walnut shells which can scrape the skin). Be sure to avoid these products entirely.


Can a person UV tan on top of a sunless tan?

Yes, of course you  UV tan. However, keep in mind that a spray tan does not provide any SPF protection. Please be sure to take the proper safety precautions and protect your skin from the sun, by applying your waterproof sunscreen frequently and liberally.


Normally I freckle in the sun… will a sunless tan cause freckles?

A Sunless Tan will not cause freckles on the skin. In fact it does just the opposite. The bronzer in the sunless  tan helps to blend your pre-existing freckles, making them less noticeable. The lower level sunless blend was actually created for our freckled, redheaded friends. It looks spectacular on all skin tones.


What if I have a bald spot?

Finally say goodbye to your hats and baseball caps! Bald spots can be tanned, which helps to blend a thinning hair line. Many men with receding hair lines love how the tan can soften a dramatic hair line, and rave how the tan makes their hair appear fuller.


Why isn’t there any SPF in the sunless solution?
Since SPF only lasts about 4-8 hours on the skin, it would be misleading and unsafe to our clients to include the sun protection. Our tans last a week or more, so obviously the SPF would not last throughout the life of the tan, therefore it is very important to apply your sunscreen as often as possible!


Should I shave before or after the sunless tan?

All shaving and waxing is a form of exfoliation, so it is best to do all of your shaving before the sunless tan, preferably at least 8 hours before tanning. Shaving and waxing after your tan can remove some of the tanned skin cells, so make sure to use a clean new razor with a shaving cream or lotion to keep from scraping the skin too much. If in doubt, use extra cream or lotion to shave, and try not to put too much pressure on the razor.


I like my sunless tan but I want it darker.

We have several options for you. The airbrush tech can spray you with a darker solution. You can be sprayed twice. Or you can do our double dip and use the sunbed first, then get a sunless spray tan. We recommend using the Gradual Tan Extender lotion to replenish any color that may be lost throughout the life of your tan, caused from natural exfoliation and wear and tear. The Gradual Tan Extender can be used alone or over your Sunless Tan. 


I like my sunless tan just the way it is- how do I keep it?

For best results, it is always best to moisturize your tan daily with lotion, or the Gradual Tan Extender. Our Gradual Tanner is extremely hydrating, and full of luxurious ingredients like soybean, coconut and sunflower seed oils, shea butter, honey extract and plumeria flower extract.


Which fabrics should I avoid after my tan has just been applied?

Silk, Leather, Spandex, Lycra, Nylon and stretchy or tight fitting materials should be avoided. Your sunless tan is most vulnerable after it has just been applied, so it’s best to avoid these fabrics for at least 12 hours, or until you have rinsed in your first shower to remove the bronzer. Also avoid tight articles of clothing like bras, sports bras, socks and tennis shoes, boots and closed toe shoes until you’ve had a chance to rinse. 


Will I turn orange or streaky with a sunless tan at Total Tan?

Total Tan takes pride in producing non-orange, flawless, odorless masterpieces.

What is the difference between the Bronzing and Clear Formulas in the Mystic and VersaPro?
Although completely water soluble, the Bronzing Formula may leave some cosmetic color on the inside of your clothing, sheets, and other materials – however, this color will easily wash out in cold water. If you are worried about getting color on various materials, use the Clear Formula. The two formulas will develop into the same tan in 6-8 hours, the only difference is that the Bronzing Formula applies an cosmetic top coat for instant color that will wash off in the shower.
How do I know what level to choose?
We have expert salon associates available to guide you in the right direction when it comes to choosing a color. Level 1 tends to be used by those who have very pale, sensitive skin that easily burns when exposed to UV light. Level 2 & 3 are the choice of the majority of Total Tan customers. Most anyone (except those mentioned above) can get away with a Level 2 and look fabulous and natural, especially those with a cream colored skin tone. Level 3 is a little darker and looks best on those who tan easily or have olive to light-brown skin.


What is Anti-Aging & Skin Firming Moisturizer treatment?

Hydrate Skin & Extend Your Spray Tan with VersaPro Moisturrizer. You can add this upgrade to your session.

By adding the Moisturizing treatment for immediate hydration will help deepen and extend color development.

Formulated with: Green Tea Extract to help reduce free-radical damage and environmental stress on the skin.

Ginger Root Extract to help increase circulation


If I get a sunless tan can I use a tanning sunbed, too?

Yes, this is called our double dip!


Come by and get your beautiful glowing tan today!


Hours of Sunshine

Monday - Saturday
8 a.m. - 9 p.m.

Sunday 9 a.m. - 8 p.m MDR

Sunday 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. W. HYWD

Mark Wahlberg getting a spray tan.